Hi! I’m Amber and this is my portfolio.

I've got a ton of titles: content strategist, copywriter, web writer, blogger, SEO junkie, and even romance novelist. But at heart I am and always will be a storyteller—and I want to help you tell your stories.

Hi! I'm Amber and this is my portfolio.

Some things I’m good at

My career has been one of constant evolution, so chances are, if you need something done, I can do it.


Who are you? What do you want to say—and what do your audiences need? Let's find out.

Content Strategy

Your website needs to get the right content to the right people—at the right time. I’ll create a content strategy to make sure it happens.

Creative Concepting

If you want to stand out in the marketplace, you need creative materials with a big idea—and a solid concept.

Website Writing and SEO

You’ve got a website? Great! I’ll help you make it shine—and make sure the search engines can find it.


Whether you need a digital ad, a radio or TV spot, a print ad, or even a direct mail piece, I got you.

Novel Writing

Fun fact: I once wrote a book in five days. And it got published. If I can do that, you can bet I can meet your deadlines.

Get in Touch

Whether you just want to say hi or are looking to start a project, fill out this form and I’ll be in touch.

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